Traveling with Hair Extensions

Traveling with Hair Extensions

It’s finally spring break season! And if you’re lucky, you could be headed out on exciting warm-weather adventures. You can look your best while you’re partying without having to pack your entire bathroom with you. Here are some travel tips:

Keep a brush in your carry on bag. Sitting with the back of your head against the headrest of a plane or car can cause matting and tangling, especially if you’re trying to get some shut-eye en route. Take a few minutes at rest stops or layovers to brush through your locks. Brush frequently to keep your hair smooth. Pulling your hair up in a high top knot can be a great solution too.

Babe's Dry Spray Shampoo will save your look. If you don’t have access to a shower for a few days, or your in-laws’ bathroom is too disgusting to even consider bathing in, you can just spray the dry shampoo on your roots and comb through to freshen up.

It may be tempting, but don’t sleep in your Clip-In extensions. Just bring a protective bag or case to store them at night.

(By the way, our permanent extension methods are totally designed to be slept in.)

If you’re lucky and you’re heading somewhere tropical for the holidays, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Swimming with hair extensions is not recommended, mostly because chlorine is so damaging to all types of hair. But if you insist on not wearing a shower cap, just remember to use a leave-in protecting conditioner and wash out your hair immediately after getting out of the pool, using a gentle chlorine stripping shampoo.

Happy trails!


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Preventing Hair Extension Matting

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