Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is in the air! It’s finally time to ditch the coats, boots, and styles of winter for lighter, fresher pieces, and to freshen up our salon spaces, too! But if you’re new to the spring cleaning game, don’t fret. Today, we’ll feature some of our go-to spring cleaning tips that help us in the salon, the office, and at home!

Pace yourself.
It might be tempting to conquer the entire room in one go, but oftentimes you’ll end up burning yourself out before you even finish. To make sure you stay at it, recognize that spring cleaning is a process—not a single task or action—and approach it piece-by-piece. Focus on cleaning the mirrors and windows one day, and emptying out the supply closet the next. Don’t bite off more than you can chew all at once.

Shed the excess.
We always recommend emptying the space out a little bit before you really get into the thick of cleaning and organizing. Pull your items from the shelves, empty out some drawers, and go through your inventory to get everything in view. Then, dispose of any expired products, identify any unused tools and gift them to someone else, and evaluate which products are selling well and which ones aren’t. This is your time to get rid of anything that’s not serving you, and to free up some salon space in the process.

Deep clean.
Once you’ve cleared the stuff off of all your surfaces, go to town with the soap and disinfectant. Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to do a really thorough inspection of your salon, and you’ll be surprised to see just how dirty and grimy places can be even in spite of regular cleaning. Polish the floor, get into the nooks and crannies, reach into the light fixtures—go everywhere. You’ll feel great when you see your salon looking as good as new.

Fix what’s broken.
If there’s a chair in your salon that squeaks when you turn it, or a chip in the mirror at the very corner of the frame, now’s the time to finally fix it (or replace it, if necessary). Revisit all of your tools, containers, furniture items, and other frequently-used things to make sure that they’re in full working order, then set whatever’s out of shape to one side so you can address it immediately.

Take inventory.
If you don’t have an inventory system in place in your salon, now is a good time to set one up! An inventory system includes everything from the way your products are organized, the means by which they’re replenished, and the documents you keep to review all of your stock at a glance. A simple but effective system could involve just a tidy inventory closet, an Excel spreadsheet, and maybe a whiteboard shopping list. While you’re creating/updating your inventory lists, take the time to thoroughly review your stock and strategize for the future. You may find that you’re missing some of Babe’s newest tools, or that you’re chronically running low on a few select extension colors.

When you’re ready to place all of your knick-knacks and products back into their vested places, think critically about your existing organization scheme, and whether there are any ways to improve the layout of your space or salon to improve your workflow. Place your most-used items within easy reach, highlight certain products by giving them a place of prominence, or keep a small selection of hair extensions at your desk to spark conversations about Babe. Changing up the arrangement of your items can have dramatic effects!

Create new systems.
Cleaning doesn’t end when spring is over, and it’s worth thinking about your ongoing cleaning routines so you can maintain an efficient and beautiful salon year-round. Create a schedule that addresses every area of your salon in the long run (ex. wash floors one Saturday, clean tools the next), then stick to it. Also, consider updating your waste disposal practices. Cut hair and used extensions can be reused in many ways, and for many purposes, including as test strands, pillow stuffing, oil absorbers, rope, doll hair, etc. Give old hair new life while preventing unnecessary waste. It’s a win-win!

Is your salon looking all sparkly and new after your spring cleaning session? Share some pictures of the results on Babe’s Instagram account!



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