Saying “No” To Your Client Gently

Saying “No” To Your Client Gently

It may seem almost impossible to change your client’s mind once she has her mind set on a specific style. As a stylist, IT IS your job to educate your client when you know the look she’s going for isn’t going to compliment her. When you say no, it means you care about your client and the way she looks, as well as, the value and integrity of your work. It doesn’t mean you have to turn her away, it means you have to educate her on why it will not work and give her alternative options that are best suited for her. Factors such as— her skin complexion, texture of hair, face shape, etc. will determine the best length, cut, color, and style for her Babe Hair extensions. Below are 2 common situations where a gentle “No” can go a long way.

Problem: “I have a client who needs more packs of hair but doesn’t want to spend the money on an extra pack or two.”

Solution: Unless she’s going for a mullet look, be honest with her. Let her know that the hair will not look natural because she will have a weight line (hence the mullet) and they will not blend in. Thanks to Google, you can now search bad hair extension jobs and you can show her what a weight line looks like. She’s not a stylist so she won’t understand until she can visually see it. Educate her that the extra pack is very much needed. Worst case scenario—she has some extras left for next time or she can use them for her move up appointment to replace any not so good looking pieces.

Problem: “My client does not want me to blend her extensions at all for fear of losing inches of hair she’s paid for”

Solution: We get it. She paid for inches and cutting them off, to her, means she’s not getting her money’s worth. This is why consultations are very important. At the consultation you can see how long/short her hair is and how many layers she’ll need for a proper blend. Don’t buy all 22” packs when you know the top layer of natural hair is a lot shorter. Try layering in your placement. For example, 18” at the top with 22” at the bottom or 16” at the top with 18” at the bottom. It will save your client some money and it will be a little less work for you in the blending process. However, you still need to blend which means you must razor or point cut the hair extensions. No if, ands, or buts about it!

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Please share and tell us how you handled it. As always, drop any questions or concerns you have below or give us a call at 888-840-2223


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