Redhead Color Inspiration

Redhead Color Inspiration

Have you gotten a chance yet to work with our newest red extension shades? If you’re still looking for an excuse to try them out, look no further than these beautiful redhead color inspirations. Just grab a willing client, a couple of packs of Babe’s red extensions (you can choose from Colette (#99J), Betsy (#3R), Vivian (Red Wine), Emmie (#5R), Ruby (#30/33), and GiGi (#38)), and some hair color (if necessary), then start re-creating these beauties in your salon today!

Burgundy or Plum

Extension shades
Colette (#99J)
Betsy (#3R)
Whitney (Dark Purple)

Mix the sultry, chocolate-y red shade of Colette (#99J) with Whitney (Dark Purple) for a beautiful burgundy/plum color, then temper it with Betsy (#3R) for a natural touch.

Red Velvet

Extension shades
Vivian (Red Wine)
Emmie (#5R)
Beverly (Burgundy)

Start with a base of Vivian (Red Wine) to establish the velvety color, then throw in some Emmie (#5R) for dimension. If you want extra red richness, mix in some Beverly (Burgundy) strands throughout the bottom layer of hair.

Carrot Red

Extension shades
Ruby (#30/33)
GiGi (#38)

Achieve this bright and earthy look by blending our medium-toned Ruby (#30/33) with her lighter-toned cousin, GiGi (#38).

Golden Red

Extension shades
GiGi (#38)
Cindy (#24)

Use a majority of GiGi (#38) to establish an underlying maple-y hue, then throw in some golden blonde strands of Cindy (#24) to lighten and brighten the look.

Ombre Red

Extension shades
Ruby (#30/33)
Kymberly (Ombre 4-613)
Nina (Ombre 2-27A)

Lay down a base of Ruby (#30/33), then alternate between Kymberly (Ombre 4-613) and Nina (Ombre 2-27A) as you move up the head. For bonus points, color the top section of the Ruby extensions to a #3R shade, and incorporate them into the top layers, too. (You can see how to dye hair extensions using an ombre technique in this Babe video!)

Ready to get started? Pick up our new red extension colors at your local distributor today! They’re available right now.



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