New Year’s Resolutions for Stylists
As we take time to make our New Year’s resolutions, let’s not forget to make a few for the business part of our lives. As stylists, we are constantly adapting to trends as they come and go; it’s kind of inevitable as it is part of the business. Whether it’s increasing your income, mastering your skills, or learning something new, keep hair extensions at the top of your list for your new year goals.
Master your skills. If you already know how to install hair extensions but are still running into minor problems like taking too much time, early slippage, or having a hard time with re-installation, make it your new year’s resolution to get some extra education to learn the tips and tricks and the ins and outs for a successful installation every time. Babe’s online courses are taught by our very own hair extension educators. They will teach you how to overcome the most common mistakes and how to be consistent and precise on time.
Learn something new. If you are only offering one type of hair extension installation, get educated in one or more methods. By expanding your services, you increase your clientele by being able to cater to more people. You can get certified in other methods through our online courses or by attending one of our hair shows. Distributors also hold education classes, so make sure to check in with them if they do offer them. Get started now with your free Babe Hair DVD exclusively for Babe Hair now through the end of February. Watch demonstrations, learn secrets, and how to generate more money with hair extensions!
Increase your income. By mastering your skills, you’re sure to attract and keep loyal customers. For a client, it’s hard to find a stylist they can trust and have confidence in. From a coloring job, to a blowout, to a hair extension installation, your goal should be to make them happy. After all, a hair appointment is more than just a routine for them, it’s an experience that should always leave them feeling amazing. All it takes is one appointment to gain a loyal customer that will be more than happy to brag about you. Word of mouth is the best way to gain business. Your work is going to reflect your education and level of skill. The more you know the more you will wow them.
Make it a goal this year to learn as much as you can for your trade and gain access to the proper tools to help you succeed. Let’s make it a memorable year!