How to Manage Hair Extensions like Babe HQ
When it comes to hair extension closets, no one’s is bigger than Babe HQ’s. We’re talking aisles and aisles, shelves on shelves--and, believe it or not, it’s not too difficult to manage, actually. That’s because we have a tried-and-true organization system that works for us. So, if you have trouble organizing your hair extension supply closet: listen up. We’re about to dish some of our pro tips for managing your Babe things.
1. Have distinct sections. If you’re working with different methods of hair extensions, you’ll want to have different areas for Tape-In, I-Tip, Fusion, and Clip-In extensions. This is the first order of categorization because it’s the first choice that needs to be made for an installation. Remember: not all colors are available in all methods. While you can always dye extensions to match your client’s hair, it’s better to get the closest color possible from the start. So choose the method first so you know which colors you have to work with.
2. Different lengths on different shelves. Your x and y axes (horizontal and vertical categories) will depend on how much space you have at your disposal. Here at Babe, we have a lot of space (and a lot of inventory), so we set different lengths on different shelves. That means that, when you look up, you’ll find the shorter hair extension lengths for that method, and when you look down, you’ll find the longer lengths. If you have a regular closet-sized storage space, you might be better off opting for horizontal length organization, instead. In that scenario, extensions of different lengths (but the same color) are placed next to each other in stacks.
3. Arrange by color. Babe hair extensions are sold in a rainbow of colors with conveniently archive-able names like: 1, 1B, 2, 3R, etc. Here at Babe HQ, we place extensions in sequential colors next to each other horizontally, since we organize vertically by length. That means that, on the far left of the shelf, you’ll find our darker colors (1, 1B, etc.), and on the far right of the shelf, you’ll find our lighter colors (600, 613, 1001) and funky colors. Again, if you’re short on room and your space is portrait-oriented, place different colors on different shelves, organizing vertically.
4. Make space for texture. Since our wavy/curly textures are only available in our longest extensions length (22”), and we organize our extension lengths vertically, it makes sense for us to place textured 22” hair on a shelf all by itself. So, below 22” straight extensions of any given color, you’ll find 22” wavy/curly hair--when it’s available. For narrow, closet-style storage, you could recreate this with an additional column or stack to the right of your 22” straight extensions of a given color.
5. Single vs. Set. When it comes to Clip-In hair extensions, we offer both full-set and single clip varieties. Here at Babe HQ, we actually place these in different sections (see point 1), but you could also conceivably organize them together, with single-clips included as a different length option (on the top shelf, when organizing length vertically, or on the far left, when organizing length horizontally).
6. Overflow is natural. If you’re anything like us, sometimes you might find that you have too much inventory even for your organization scheme. If you’re organizing your hair extensions horizontally by color, and you have hair extensions of every available color, you might find that they don’t all fit on the same shelf. In that case, it’s okay to place these extensions (of the same length but different colors) on a different shelf. What we recommend that you do, though, is make it very clear to yourself that that shelf is merely a continuation of the previous shelf, and not a new shelf delineating a new hair length. You can do this by painting the shelves, placing visual dividers onto the shelves (like lights, tinsel, or highlighter between sections), or even just adding bookends.
7. Pull when needed. For obvious reasons, Babe HQ utilizes a stock-up-in-advance tactic for hair extension management. Therefore, when it comes time to fulfill a specific order (in your case a specific consultation appointment), we pull the necessary hair as the order comes in. We proceed to package the products, set them aside for shipment, and, by the end of the day, all of that material gets sent out. In the case of a hair extension consultation, though, the actual installation date might be several days (or even a week or so) after the hair extensions have been picked out. To keep that hair separated and reserved for a particular client, we recommend that, in addition to shelves, you utilize hooks to hang the packages of hair pre-selected for an installation. You can install these hooks on the shelf frame itself, or on the interior facade of the closet door. Complete the fixture with a white-erase board overhead, or erasable nametags for each hook, on which you can write the name of the corresponding client.
Are you in the process of getting your hair extension closet in shape? Let us know whether these tips have helped you, and feel free to share a picture of your Babe things collection on social media!