How Can I Get a Shoutout From Babe Hair?
Our social media pages are dedicated to you, the stylist. If you follow us on Instagram, Facebook, twitter, or Pinterest, you’ll see that they’re full of reposts by different stylists. We love shining the light on a job well done, and in doing so, hope to help clients find you if you’re in their area. It’s our way of thanking you for choosing Babe Hair. So what do we look for when reposting and giving shoutouts? Below is a small list of things that you can do to help us promote you and get a spotlight post.
Tags. Unfortunately, if your social media pages are private, we will not be able to see any hashtags or tags that mention Babe Hair. A good idea is to have a business page for all your hair creations to be kept public and a personal page to keep private for friends and family only. Of course, we prefer hashtags (#babehair, #babehairextensions, #babeinbabe, etc.) Hashtags make it easier to find you because they are archived. If you ‘mention’ us, they get buried in tons of notifications we get daily. However, if ‘mentions’ are your favorite, we’ll do our best to catch it.
Don’t hashtag more than one brand. Why would you use any other brand besides Babe Hair anyway? Kidding, not really... But if you are going back and forth between brands, just hashtag the one brand you’ve used on the client. That way we know it’s our product and we’re not misrepresenting you or your work.
Lighting. You could have the best Babe Hair masterpiece you’ve ever created but if the lighting is poor, we won’t be able to tell. Make sure you have great lighting on both your before and after shots. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of lighting— don’t filter! Could you see us putting a filter on Picasso’s work? Let your Babe Hair masterpiece show off the dimension, length, and layers. The more natural, the better.
Angle. Can we just say that all of us here at Babe Hair enjoy seeing those drastic transformations through your before and after pictures— they’re our guilty pleasure! However, it’s kind of hard to tell when the before shot was taken at a closer proximity and the after shot was taken further away. The best way to show off your transformation is if both before and after pictures were taken from the same angle and distance.
Skills. We’re kind of picky when it comes to featuring stylists. By picky we mean, we want to make sure your work consists of proper placement and blending by Babe Hair guidelines. If you’re ever in doubt, feel free to ask your distributor for pointers or us by sending a message at info@babethings.com. If you haven’t attended a Babe Hair Hands-on Class or researched our online education, we strongly recommend it. It’s definitely worth the effort and you’ll never doubt your work again!
Questions or comments? Drop them below!