Hair Extensions for Cancer Survivors

Hair Extensions for Cancer Survivors

We’re a little ways into October now, which means that most of us are whipping out our funky-colored hair extensions in preparation for Halloween festivities. But whether you’re hosting a salon costume party, offering a special installation discount, or just enjoying the season, be sure to pay homage to another October staple, too—Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every October, the National Breast Cancer Foundation rolls out its campaign to increase visibility and awareness of breast cancer, offer support for patients and survivors, and provide information about screening and prevention. This year, the foundation is distributing a free breast health guide to every woman who requests one, and we thought we’d do our part by passing the news along to you.

Here at Babe, we care very deeply about the state of breast cancer research and treatment, because we operate to empower women. So many of the women who end up in our salon chairs have had personal experience with this disease, and often they come with an intimate and complicated relationship with their hair. We know that these clients are powerful and resilient, with or without their signature locks, but we love getting the opportunity to restore their sense of self—or even just a sense of comfort—by setting them up with a new head of hair worthy of a queen. We like to think of it as a stylist’s secret superpower, and we’re honored to be a part of it by offering premium quality remy extensions for every transformation.

So if you’re a proud Babe stylist looking to combat breast cancer and turn your salon into a safe-haven for survivors, consider flaunting your pink extensions—in addition to your Halloween-y ones—for all the world to see. And be sure to request your free breast health guide from the National Breast Cancer Foundation! As they say, an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.

Love you guys!



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