Using Extensions Above the Crown of the Head
What? You can use extensions above the crown of the head? What about bond visibility and all that stuff we used to say about not going above the horseshoe area during installation? Good news: when it comes to the Fusion method, you can “break the rule!” We have a new hair extension technique here at Babe called “Micro Bonding,” and it allows you to customize your Fusion extensions so they can go where they’ve never gone before—above the crown and hairline areas of your client’s head! Here’s how it works:
Cut the top half of the keratin bond off of the Fusion extension using our newest tool, the Fusion Cutter!
Turn the hair extension strand into a number of distinct Micro Bonds by snipping vertically through the keratin bond. Don't cut all the way through the bond, but rather right up to the very edge, peeling the remaining piece apart with your fingers (that way you leave the hair itself intact!). The number of Micro Bonds you make from a single Fusion extension is up to you, but make sure to size the Micro Bonds to match the density of the hair sections they will be applied to.
Trim the keratin of each Micro Bond so that the bond is tapered (with the narrowest part on top, where the root will be once the extension is installed, and the widest part on bottom, where the bond connects to the extension hair).
Just like that, one Fusion extension is now a set of Micro Bonds that can be installed on smaller sections of your client’s hair! Smaller sections means greater precision, better resulting movement, and a lighter feeling suited to finer-haired clients. It could also mean using fewer packs of hair when working on more detail-oriented tasks, such as adding volume. And since these Micro Bonds are so tiny, they’re basically inconspicuous once installed, and can therefore be used to perform delicate work in more visible places on the scalp. We’ve already seen great Before & After photos where Micro Bonds were used to cover bald spots, add length and fullness to short or thinning hair, fill out empty sections around the hairline, and even create a man-bun! The possibilities are pretty much endless (you can start offering hair extension services to men and women with short haircuts now!).
To learn more about this new technique and explore all these new and exciting options, visit our Everything But Length Portal, check out our Micro Bonding video, and enroll in our Micro Bonding Online Education course! You can pick up Fusion extensions and a pair of Fusion Cutters—uniquely designed to cut fusion bonds neatly, accurately, and safely—at your local distributor.