Installation Day No-Nos

Installation Day No-Nos

In a perfect world, every single one of our clients would have impeccable service and an incredible experience from the moment they walk into our salon until the moment they leave our chairs. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, even when we cross our T's and dot our I's. Because we want to make sure we’re doing everything on our end to help you provide perfect service, we’ve compiled a short list of treatments you should never do on the same day of the hair extension installation appointment.

Coloring The most common cause of early slippage. Any products containing a chemical or a dye could potentially lower the effectiveness of the adhesives and bonds. Before installation, the hair should be completely clean and clarified of all buildup. By adding product to the hair, such as a color, you’re doing the opposite. Therefore, any product you apply on the hair right before installation acts as a barrier between the hair and the adhesives. With I-Tip, the build up from the color coats the natural hair strand which wears off after a few washes, causing the bead to slip. Side Note: Always strand test the hair extensions before coloring them at least one day before the installation.

Hot Oil, Deep Conditioning, and Scalp Treatments should not be done at all on the day of installation. This is desperately asking for slippage. If your client wants to repair their hair before the installation, schedule this treatment a couple days before the installation of the hair extensions.

Relaxers and Perms should also be scheduled a few days before the installation due to the possibility of the chemicals and the oils interfering with the connection of the hair extensions. Blowouts are okay only if you are not applying any product to the hair. If you want to add a heat protectant or oil, it’s best to wait after the extensions are installed.

If you are performing these treatments on the day of installation, you could find yourself dealing with an unhappy customer experiencing unusual slippage. So when in doubt, just ask! We’re here to help!




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